Term of Service

Welcome to use the translation services provided by OK Word (hereinafter referred to as "we"). Please read the following terms of service agreement carefully. Once you log in, you are deemed to have fully agreed to all the contents of these terms. If you object to any provision of these Terms, you may choose to terminate your login (or stop using the service).

Accept terms

1. You understand and agree that using this translation software means that you accept this Terms of Service Agreement and agree to abide by all its provisions and terms.

2. If due to your own behavior or force majeure, the above-mentioned content that may involve your privacy or what you consider to be private information is leaked, leaked, or obtained, used, transferred, etc. by a third party, you shall be responsible for it. We are not responsible for any adverse consequences.

3. Users promise not to use the services we provide to directly or indirectly engage in behavior that violates laws and social ethics in any way. The services we provide have the right to delete content that violates the above commitments.

Intellectual property

All copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights of this translation software, as well as all related information content (including but not limited to pictures, text, videos, audios, interface designs, copyright frameworks, etc.) are subject to laws and regulations Without our written permission, no one may copy, modify, disseminate or use the contents of the software in any form.

Personal information and privacy protection

1. Protecting your personal information is one of our basic principles. We will collect, use, store and share your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.

2. It is the joint responsibility of both of us to maintain the security and normal use of the software. We will prudently take necessary measures to protect the security of your device information and data in accordance with industry standards and relevant laws, but at the same time, you should understand and acknowledge that this software cannot provide you with any information on this. Comes with a full guarantee.


1. This translation software is an automatic translation tool based on existing technology. Although we try our best to ensure its accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of the translation and error exemption. Therefore, we are not responsible for any loss or damage arising from your use of the translation results.

2. Due to objective circumstances and technical limitations, please understand: We will try our best to improve our service capabilities to provide you with better services. If there are any program errors in the product, we will correct them as soon as we discover the relevant program errors. corrections, but cannot guarantee you that the products and services are fully suitable for your use requirements; cannot guarantee you that the products or services will not be interrupted or will not contain any program errors.

Terms modification

1. According to the development of the Internet and changes in relevant laws, regulations and normative documents, or due to business development needs, the services we provide have the right to modify or change the terms of these Terms. Once the content of these Terms changes, the services we provide The service will publish the modified terms on the website. This announcement is deemed to have informed users of the modified contents of the services we provide. The services we provide can also use in-site message transmission to remind users of modifications to the terms of use, service changes, or other important matters.

2. If you do not agree with the modifications made to the relevant terms of these Terms by the services we provide, the user has the right and should stop using the services we provide. If the user continues to use the services we provide, it will be deemed that the user accepts the modifications made to the relevant terms of these Terms by the services we provide.

3. We have the final right to interpret the above terms.

Changes, interruptions and discontinuance of services

1. We will do our best to provide you with services and ensure the continuity and security of the services; however, we cannot foresee and prevent technical and other risks at any time, including but not limited to force majeure, viruses, Trojans, hacker attacks, system instability, network Service interruption, data loss and other losses and risks may be caused by environmental factors, third-party service defects and other reasons. We are not responsible or liable to you or third parties for any loss of your data caused by the above reasons.

2. You understand and agree that in order to meet the needs of the overall operation of the service, we have the right to modify, interrupt, suspend or terminate various services in this product without prior notice to you, without any responsibility or liability to you or a third party. any liability. We will also try our best to notify you in advance and do our best to ensure the security and integrity of your personal data.